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Keyphrase : Colonization rarely helps the indigenous population

Colonization by Britain : A parallel between the situation in Ireland and in Palestine is made. The danger of colonization is obvious. Ireland was occupied for five hundred years and the country divided.  Britain having secured Palestine post World War I,  made a home for the Jewish people there,  and Israel became a state in 1948.  The Palestinian people never got similar recognition. People were confined to the West Bank and Gaza.  Hamas has been fighting with Settlers since 1948.  Recently a meeting of politicians  and business people in Jerusalem conveyed the impression that Gaza  without Hamas was ready to be invaded by Real Estate and Settlers.  The answer to where the indigenous Palestinian  population would or could go was not dealt with but the important question is: Why should Israel  contemplate let alone carry through a plan to force Palestinians from their homeland?  The war in Gaza is unequal and immoral.   All arms to Israel must be stopped. When will world powers stop the persecution of the Palestinian people  and help them in a truly meaningful way?    

Tilly Crocket

Author Tilly Crocket

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